
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Quick and Easy DIY Coasters

I'm not really a "coaster person"...with three little kids that drive toy cars, play games, and put their feet up on our wood family room coffee table, I tend not to worry too much about a cup or two placed on it.  At this point in my life, there is a reason why I like "distressed" furniture!  I'm lucky enough to have a cozy area in my "formal" living room (or as the kids call it, "Mom's room) where I like to sneak away with a cup of coffee or tea, a book, or my laptop.  This is where I blog...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Common Ground's Marketplace Mondays

Have you ever visited Debra over at Common Ground?  I just love her blog, her style, and she's a wonderful inspiration to all of us!  Debra's been hosting a wonderful link party (Vintage Inspiration Friday) every Friday for a while that I love to link my projects up to and visit all those great inspiring bloggers out there.  If you haven't visited it, you'll have to check it out this week...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Typewriter Key Bracelets

After working on several painting projects the last couple of weeks, I thought I'd take a little break and work on some jewelry projects...painting dining chairs can do that to you!  A few weeks back, I posted a tutorial on how to make typewriter jewelry, including these unique little bracelets, but I thought I'd share my recent batch with you. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just Because...

Like most of us women, I love fresh flowers!  It would be the ultimate luxury to have a fresh bouquet in the house at all times.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

An Art Desk for Lily

If you ask my sweet little kindergartner, Lily, "What do you want to be when you grow up?", she'll quickly reply "An artist!".  She's also a girl that craves a little color and like most girls her age, her choice is hot pink and I have to admit, since most of our home is neutrals, it's super fun to inject some happy color... 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wahoo! I'm in...Luckett's Spring Market!

Farm Chicks booth 2011
I'm just a tad excited... you see I have antique show fever.  It's something that I've had since my first show (The Farm Chicks Show back in 2008).  Having left my career at a CPA firm (yes, I'm an accountant in my former life) to stay home with my then two-year old, I felt I needed a little something on the side that I loved to do and to help keep me busy at home. After shopping the amazing Farm Chicks Show for the previous 3-4 years, I took a giant leap, applied and got in! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Bit of Fancy

I just love furniture with ornate details.  I was lucky to find this fancy, frenchy side table a couple weekends ago.  I was smitten at first sight...I think I have a furniture sickness.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Homemade Chalk Paint

Okay, I love Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, but...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Heart Baskets

I love, love baskets!  What's not to love about them when they're pretty, versatile, functional, often inexpensive, and they help keep me organized, so when this came in the mail a couple weeks ago.
my heart did a little pitter-patter.  I couldn't wait to get my kids in bed that evening so I could pour over the pages!  When I thought how much I've used baskets over the years, I felt compelled to do my own little "ode to baskets"...
I use baskets for virtually everywhere in my home.  From storing toys, shoes, laundry, and office papers, and even toilet paper in the powder room, baskets are great for making things that aren't-so-pretty look so much better... 
But I use baskets to store those pretty things too... like extra throws, blankets, and pillows by the couch and clean towels in the bathroom.
They're also perfect for keeping extra candles, fresh fruit, pantry goods, and other pretty items that need corralling. 
You won't find a seating area or bedroom in my home without a basket of books or magazines.  Although I don't knit, I love being in homes that have baskets with a current knitting project tucked cozy!
Since I do quite a bit of crafting, painting, and jewelry-making, I rely so much on baskets with labels to hold all of my materials, while looking cute at the same time...

They are also perfect for holding pretty ferns, potted plants for the porch, and my "branch arrangements" that I like to use....
Unique shapes and sizes of baskets seem to be everywhere - from old locker baskets at the flea market, to new woven ones at a discount store. I've had most of my baskets (which I've never paid more than $10 for any of them) for several years, rotating them around. I'd say that's some serious wonder I love them!


Linking up to:

Friday, February 3, 2012

New Life for Nightstands

I picked up a couple of nightstands at a local thrift store last week and thought they'd be good candidates for some ASCP duck egg paint.  I'm pretty terrible about taking before pictures, but I remembered to snap a pic right before I started painting this time...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gratitude and Grieving

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I wanted to let all of my readers know how extremely grateful for all the sweet and wonderful comments that have been pouring in for my recent posts, including my daughter's room.  I feel so fortunate that it was featured at some wonderful blogs this past week.  Even though I've had this blog for the last couple of years, it's only recently that my life has settled down enough to nurture it and I can't tell you how much I've enjoy it!  In many ways, I'm a newbie blogger and I'm still at the point of feeling so much excitement for every comment that is left for me and thinking, "Wow, they really like it?!"  Since moving across the country and leaving behind family, friends, and all the wonderful antique shows that I was able to be a part of, I've feel as though I've lost a little part of me, but blogging has really helped give this stay-at-home mom a bit of purpose and the ability to connect with such kind, talented people.  I really look forward to all the sharing, learning, and inspiration that the wonderful world of blogging opens up for us.
On another note, I apologize for being a bit absent this past week.  My heart has been heavy and my thoughts on family for the last several days.  My beautiful, vibrant cousin has been battling leukemia for the last several years and her prognosis took a turn for the worse late last week.  She is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend to many.  In my childhood years, she lived right down the road from me and we share some wonderful memories of times on the family dairy farm. I feel fortunate that I've been able to visit her this week as she relocated to North Carolina several years ago.