
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Bit of Fancy

I just love furniture with ornate details.  I was lucky to find this fancy, frenchy side table a couple weekends ago.  I was smitten at first sight...I think I have a furniture sickness.

I found the table like this...

I wish I would have taken a better picture of the top of the table because it looks like it has a pretty design on it, but in reality, there were weird 70's swirls all over.  I had to paint over them, but I knew I wanted to keep some of the gold peeking through...just tone it down a bit. 
I started tackling it with ASCP Pure White chalk paint a couple days ago and finally had time to finish it up today.  All those crevices in the detailing took a bit of time and quite a bit of paint...more than a small table should have taken, but it was worth it in the end. 
Instead of completely painting over the gold with the intention of sanding the paint down to the gold later, I just carefully wiped off the paint with a damp towel as I went along.  Even with using fine-grit sandpaper to distress paint to a metallic finish underneath (i.e. gold frame, etc), I have a habit of taking more off than I want...
so I'll be using the damp-rag technique if I want to save those metallic finishes in the future.  I'm thinking if I ever pick a color for my master bedroom, then this table will go in there?  Knowing me, it will be moved around my house about six times before it lands in it's resting place...
Everyone having a Happy Valentine's Day so far?  Any plans on getting dolled up for a night on the town with your loved one?
Not me... just a cozy night in with the family making pink cupcakes and eating waaaayyyy too much sugar!  Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. This IS SOOOOO FANCY!! Love it so very much,you did a fabulous job here:) Deidre~ Please stop over and chat with me sometime,

  2. This IS SOOOOO FANCY!! Love it so very much,you did a fabulous job here:) Deidre~ Please stop over and chat with me sometime,

  3. Love your fancy table. It turned out really pretty.


  4. This table has amazing details on it, Kristen! I found that with pieces like this I either know exactly what I want to do to it or I have no clue and it sits until it "speaks" to me.

  5. Such a super fancy table, It always amazes me how much a little paint to totally transfer the piece for a wallflower to the belle of the ball! Great job!
    Dee Dee

  6. At home for me too tonight...and it's snowing so it's a pretty valentines day!
    Love the table, your work is amazing as usual!!

  7. Visiting from POWW. Thus little table is so pretty. I love the way you uncovered the gold and the little streaks make it sing.

  8. i love this table! i have one with a little gold coming this week, too! lately i am so into gold! :) seriously- your talent never ceases to amaze!

  9. love the unique and pretty details of this little gem, pretty jewelry and purse too!! a night in eating cupcakes sounds perfect!!

  10. The details on this piece are exquisite...It turned out so beyond gorgeous!

  11. GREAT details on the table - looks great painted!

  12. Your finish brought out all the gorgeous details. Very nice.

  13. Very pretty, great details! Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  14. I just love this table! Please stop by sometime for Treasure Hunt THursday! We would love to have going us!

  15. Okay.....the table is so fabulous....but what is that frame on the top! Seriously. What an awesome, incredible fun piece! Thanks for all the inspiration.


  16. What a glamorous makeover! ... can you do me ?? : )


  17. Great transformation! The table is beautiful now. Hugs, Sherry

  18. Fabulous transformation! love that you made your own. I will be featuring it tomorrow :)

  19. Your finished furniture pieces are very nice. What kind of prepping do you do?


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment! I read each and every one of them and they brighten my day!