Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Cabinet Vignette

I couldn't resist spreading my free greenery everywhere I could around the house for Christmas.  I love the way it drapes and softens the hard edges of cabinets and mantels.  I have a wonderful old cabinet that used to hold my clock collection that I've decided to swap out for my wedding china and it too was covered in greenery and topped with a little Christmas vignette...
I was so happy to see that my "perfect shade of blue" antique wine jug and the wedding china made the move across the country without breaking!

After liberally spreading the greenery, I simply intertwined some of my patio lights (purchased from Target) and played with different arrangements on top of the cabinet by varying the height and depths of the objects.
I replaced my indoor fern with a cotton arrangement that I put together and added a few glass ornaments to a bird nest that I had on hand...

...just to add a little Christmas cheer in unexpected places.

I love how the lights of the Christmas tree across the room reflect off the glass of the cabinet...

Hope you enjoyed!

Linking up to:

Vintage Friday at Common Ground
Miss Mustard Seed Furniture Feature Friday


ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

That looks GORGEOUS and I love that cabinet!!

Teresa@1800 Farmhouse Rd said...

LOVE it! You captured my heart with the twigs, bird's nest, and grapevine balls :)

fiona anderson said...

Love the cabinet and the white china and christmas decoration - very very pretty. Hope you can and come pay my blog a visit !

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Your vignette is so festive. Love the cabinet and the white china.

Pamela Gordon said...

Your cabinet is a beautiful piece of furniture and you have decorated it so prettily. I love the garland and lights on the top. Very nice! Have a great week.

STARDUST said...

I so much enjoy looking at all these Christmas decorations! Woud love for you to drop by my place and take a look at mine, when you get the chance!

Funky Junk Jennifer said...

Oh In Love it! So warm and beautiful, I enjoy displaying my china too! It spent too many years in boxes. Thank you for sharing!

STARDUST said...

Ooops... and I'm your newest follower! (by the way, love your background!)

Tracy said...

It's beautiful! I really love the idea of using the grapevine patio lights for Christmas, I would not have thought about it but it looks great! Your white china looks fabulous in your cabinet.

Kim said...

Fabulous blog - SO happy to have found it. You have a new friend (follower) in me. Pop over sometime.
Merry Christmas!!

Erin of Salvaged Whimsy said...

Looks beautiful! You've sure gotten your money's worth out of your free greenery :).

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cabinet and display. The fresh greens must smell as great as they look!

Debra from Bungalow said...

I love this look but I am very partial to white pottery! You have decorated it beautifully!
Please stop over for a visit:)

Scribbler said...

Thanks for hosting -- your cabinet is beautifully done.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks beautiful I especially love the the way you decorated the top of your cabinet.

RuthSMac. said...

It is beautiful! you have a great taste and the antique wine jug is "perfect", indeed :)

Robin Johnson said...

Your arrangement looks beautiful and festive.

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living said...

Found you at French Country Cottage. I'm drooling over your antique wine jug. Yum! Your white dishes are really pretty, too. I'm now a follower.

Unknown said...

Oh how lovely! I love the greenery and items added to the top! I have a black cabinet in our dining room and an oak buffet and hutch in our kitchen, both full of white dishes too. Your cabinet has great character and I love how pretty everything looks.

A Few Pennies said...

Beautiful! I would not want to ever change this out--so pretty. Your white china looks fabulous in your cabinet--great design/vigettes. Merry Christmas!

Honey at 2805 said...

Absolutely stunning!

Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday! May you have a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!


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