

Hi there, I'm Kristen and Sophia's is my creative outlet for this stay-at-home mom. I’m a firm believer that anyone can live in a beautiful, comfortable home on a real world budget with a little creative thinking, smart shopping, and a lot of elbow grease. I have been a house junkie for as long as I have remembered and I started “decorating” at a young age on our family dairy farm in the Pacific Northwest by filling forts with farm junk and barn relics.

Farm life also taught me the value of hard work and the satisfaction that comes with tackling and completing projects on your own. 

After college and the start of a successful career in public accounting, I was a young mother torn between balancing the corporate world and the needs of my children. Though happy at home with my children, I still yearned to be creative and productive while still being there as a mom.  I took a chance and applied to be a vendor at one of the most premier antique shows in the country (The Farm Chicks Show in Spokane, WA) and the rest is history…

With three little girls, I have been digging, picking, hauling, re-habbing, painting furniture and other vintage goods since 2007.  My adventures have now brought me to Raleigh, North Carolina where I’m discovering the treasures and beauty of the South and designing and decorating my new house on a budget. 

Besides selling my wares at local shows and shops, I have a passion to design and create unique spaces in my own home from castoffs and vintage finds…all on a serious budget!  I love scouring for deals and getting that designer look for less and sharing it all on my blog too!
My goal is to inspire women to take that creative leap of faith, pick up a paintbrush, try something new, and to explore and have  confidence in their own personal style.


  1. Hi Kristin!

    I am in Raleigh, well, actually Fuquay. I was Raleigh-raised, though! I just found out about the Southern Blogger's conference (and your website) today and am so very excited!

    Your style is absolutely exquisite and the two chairs that you reupholstered are gorgeous! I am going to have to pick your brain when I get to meet you.

    After missing Haven, I didn't think I was going to get to attend a conference this year, let alone one that is 30 minutes away. I really can barely contain myself! (It's kind of sad, actually)

    I look forward to meeting a local blogger and keeping up with your blog. When my blog grows up I hope it will be 1/2 as nice as yours.


  2. Hi Kristen!
    I left you a not in your Etsy shop and wanted to follow up. Let's chat about the necklaces - I need to mail you a check and I need the "O" necklace and may order another. Email me at

  3. Hi, I am enjoying your blog and your pictures of your house. I just wanted to ask you where you got the 3 large safety pins that you have on your laundry wall?
    Thanks so much

  4. Hi Kristen, So glad to meet you. I popped over from Ann's On Sutton Place. Well, let me tell you.....your blog and junking adventures sure resonate with me. I'm going to follow along.

  5. I found your awesome blog while looking on Pinterest for laundry closet ideas. I am also in Greensboro, so I bet we have crossed paths at Red Collection before. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment! I read each and every one of them and they brighten my day!