
Monday, January 6, 2014

Simple Sideboard Makeover

It's about time I shared another furniture makeover because it's been way too long!  Just like most of you, my month of December was busy, busy and there just wasn't much time for painting.  I was happy to finally whip out the paintbrush recently to finish up a few pieces for the booth.

The first makeover is this antique sideboard that I picked up at an auction far too long ago and it has been waiting patiently in the garage for me to finish it!  I striped old, damaged finish off the top (with Citristrip) and re-stained it...
After working on the top a while back, I finally gave up on the weather and hauled it in the foyer to work on it!  I painted the body out in Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old Ochre... a color I had yet to try!  I wanted to use a fairly neutral color on this piece because of it's large scale and because it's for resale (bolder colors have a harder time selling).  If you're looking for a nice, neutral chalk paint color, but want something different than Old White, Old Ochre is a great choice.
I painted two coats and thinned the second coat by dipping just the eyelashes of my paintbrush in water, which is my favorite Chalk Paint tip.  You can also try THIS trick to thin that second coat as well.
I felt like the doors on it needed a little something, so I hand-painted some simple laurel wreaths on them using a stock image and the graphite paper transfer method.  In all the years of painting furniture, I had yet to come across doors with the detailing on the bottom like this. The doors are usually square with the detailing built into the frame...
After painting the wreaths, I lightly sanded it down with a sanding block, added clear wax, and buffed to a nice sheen...
 And yes, I know it looks silly to have a sideboard right in the middle of the foyer!  I wish there was a wall to "stage" my furniture makeovers in this rental house:)  Another makeover that I completed for the booth was this twin bed...
Once again, I used Old Ochre because it's nice and neutral for a girl's room.  I added some Pure White on the details...
This one didn't actually make it to the booth... My friend and booth partner, Shirley, was looking for a twin bed for her granddaughter and I'm glad it went to a good home!
The older kids are back to school and I'm anxious to get back into a routine!  I'm rounding up some of my favorite products for an upcoming post so stay tuned...and stay warm!


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  1. I always paint in my house. Love the finished pieces and glad Gray gets the pretty bed.

  2. Love the sideboard and the laurel wreaths you added…it is beautiful and it will not last long in the booth!!…Graylyn loves her new bed!!

  3. You are so talented with a paint brush! I looks amazing after you've worked your magic.

  4. This is soooo beautiful!! Grear job! Many blessings and Happy New Year!!

  5. Oh Beauty!... I am loving the painted piece with the top left in the wood grain!... You did a fabulous job!... xo!

  6. it never ceases to amaze me
    what a few coats of lovely paint can accomplish

    your sideboard
    looks so pretty now

    i've brought back
    Fridays Unfolded
    and would love for you to share

    also just followed you on Hometalk!

    Nancherrow (formerly Stuff and Nonsense)

  7. This is beautiful! I love the carving on the doors and the laurel leaf too. It adds the perfect touch! Old Ochre is such a fantastic color. I just did a bombe chest in that color and I love it! The bed is wonderful as well - so glad it found a good home!



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