
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just Breathe...

“Just Breathe” is what I’m currently telling myself about a thousand times a day right now. It is so easy at times to get completely wrapped-up in the lists and details of the overwhelming task of preparing a home for sale…well, make that the Dobson home. You see, my husband and I are the absolute rulers of unfinished house projects, but to our defense, we have changed every square inch of our home in the past five years, had two of our three girls, and both had jobs in public accounting (which means VERY long hours), and of course, my little antiques hobby takes up some time as well. It’s quite natural in these circumstances that window and door trim doesn’t get painted and hung after new windows and doors are put in or that house numbers don’t get hung FOUR years after we painted the house! These little open-ended projects are just the tip of the iceberg and the mental and written lists of things to accomplish before we list our house in the next week are waking me up at night and making me swear that we’ll never remodel another house or sell another house, ever.
Yep, the Dobson’s are moving to Sandpoint, Idaho. After six years of working between 55-70 hours a week year-round at a job that has robbed our family of so many special times, moments, and holidays, we’ve said, “Enough is enough!” My husband accepted a wonderful job opportunity up in Sandpoint and we are working around the clock to get the house projects completed and the house Q-Tip clean (which lasts about 5 minutes before cereal is dumped all over the floor or the 9-month crawls to the front of the stove and licks the glass on the door).

I am so very excited for the adventure and the positive changes that I am certain the move will bring to our family. I honestly can’t imagine what it will be like to have my husband home for dinner more than a third of the year. I can’t wait to see the transformation in my husband as he will begin to have balance in life and I know this will all benefit the kids so much… as soon as we can all get up there!

By the way, as of yesterday, we now have house numbers on our house!

1 comment:

  1. Yea again=)...I mean, not for all of the work, but moving to Sandoint, except that we will miss you greatly here in Spokane!! Looking forward to seeing you up there in September for Funky Junk, and seeing you soon at Farm Chicks!! Hang in there, girl...I totally loved your house updating story=)


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