
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Southern Bloggers Conference Recap

Wow...I think I've finally recovered enough from this last weekend...not sure if my house is fully recovered yet from me being gone, but it's getting there.  For 14 weeks, a wonderful group of women...Barb from The Everyday Home, Shirley from Housepitality Designs, Amy from Atta Girl Says, Suzy from Worthing Court, Cindy from Living on the Bliss, and myself had been planning the first ever Southern Bloggers Conference here in Raleigh, NC for this past weekend.  Here's a brief recap of the weekend...

Friday was set-up day and registration...look at all those swag bags!  We had some wonderful sponsors this year.  My mom and I had a great time setting up a little shop with some of my jewelry designs and Barb's awesome home decor products.  She's picked out some great items for her new online shop!
Suzy did a great behind-the-scenes post about last Friday and shared some great pics of the evening and of the cocktail party that night.
Saturday was the big day... there was so much valuable information from some of our favorite bloggers like Rhoda from Southern Hospitality, Karianne from Thistlewood Farm, Kelly from Electically Vintage, Heather from At the Picket Fence, and Brittany from Pretty Handy Girl.  Annie Omar from Maison Blanche Paint Company shared some of her amazing products with all of inspiring!  I wish I would have taken some pictures throughout the day, but I was too absorbed in the sessions, plus I was just trying not to be too nervous all day for my "Got Milk Paint" session with Amy (thanks for the pic- Tammy!).  Shirley has the best roundup of Saturday's action here.
After a wonderful dinner with a large group of bloggers and packing up my truck full of decor, etc to haul home late Saturday night, we were off again Sunday morning for some brunch and shopping around Raleigh. It was a really fun day with perfect weather and a great group of women.  We had brunch at the fabulous NOFO, checked out the new Twelve Forks Junction shop, Gresham Lake Antiques, and my favorite, SuzAnna's Antiques...
After SuzAnna's, we headed to Revival Antiques. I just love this place...they have some incredible pieces of furniture and unique home accents...
I didn't buy much, but picked up an awesome clock at Revival Antiques, an antique lamp and ornate frame at Gresham Lake, and some of Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint, which is now in stock at SuzAnna's.  It was a wonderful weekend and thanks to so many wonderful attendees, speakers and sponsors, I think the conference was pretty successful for it's first year!



  1. It was an awesome weekend, Kristen! Lots and lots of memories were made. It was such a pleasure working with you and getting to know you better. Looking forward to 2013!

  2. I love the picture of Emily, Mom and I. Anyway you could email it to me?? Thanks! And what a great post! It was such a fun weekend! Thank you for letting us be a part of it!

  3. How wonderful! Thanks for the links to the antique shops. I live in the area and now have a few new places to check out!

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  4. Hi Kristen - great blog & love all the pictures. I didn't scroll through all your posts, but wanted to ask what you all did last weekend in Raleigh... I live in Cary & would have LOVED to get involved with ... whatever you ladies are doing... funny, I don't know where you all live & where you all go, but sounded fun & I'd love to help next time, and or tag-a-long with kindred spirits! Our state fair is going on now, otherwise you all could have gone to our flea market in Raleigh. So tell me more... again, LOVE your blog!!

  5. Hi Kristen - wow, love your blog - and Oh my goodness - I just wrote a HUGE comment here & it was all deleted - I'm very good at doing that apparently!!

    Tell me more about your trip to Raleigh - I live here in Cary & LOVE Suzanna's. We usually have a flea mkt here each weekend, so hopefully next time the ladies can go there as well.

    Can you tell me more about "The Southern Bloggers" (convention) that came here & looks like you all made some things - where can I find out more about that? I wish had known, I would have loved to meet up, help out & contribute in some way. Maybe next time!

  6. You and your mom did such a wonderful job on the many people had raved about it!!...Great recap Kristen...gorgeous photos!!


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