
Friday, August 12, 2011

Life's An Adventure, Right?...

Wow, what a whirlwind it's been the last few months!  My family had just moved to Sandpoint, ID for my husband's new job and I had even went back to work full-time when our lives were once again turned upside down when husband received an incredible opportunity to be part of a brand new tax division in Raleigh, NC for the CPA firm that we had both worked for in Spokane.  Before I knew it, I was scurrying like crazy trying to find housing in Raleigh, wrapping up the last projects at work, packing our house, and get all my projects done for my favorite show ever, The Farm Chicks Show.  
As soon as the show was over, everything went into boxes and was loaded into the biggest U-haul truck we could get and an additional trailer and off we went...almost 3,000 miles away from everything we've ever known. 
It's been quite an adventure to say the least...  There are stories of our "travels" that I'm sure our kids will tell their kids like attempting to drive across South Dakota during tornado weather, a 5 year-old with the stomach flu, and me driving a large trailer for the first time and trying to keep it on the road in the wind.  Needless to say, we got stuck in a rundown hotel in the middle of nowhere for two days.  It rained so hard that the walls in the room were leaking!  Slowly, but surely, we finally made it to North Carolina and we all cheered when we finally made it across that stateline.  My undramatic husband even wanted to kiss the ground when we got here and declared that we were never doing that again!   
Now that we're here, I'm so excited to explore the South! There is such history and a unique beauty here!  True to form, I've already buying been buying up some fabulous antiques that I can't wait to share with you. I hope you'll join me on my new "Southern Junkin' Journey"!



  1. Congratulations!! You must look back on this and wonder "how?"!!
    Didn't know you were from too!!! Looking forward to all your new things!

  2. Oh girl! I can't wait to see what you discover, hope you are all doing well settling in...miss you bunches!!


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