
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Highlights

I realize that has already been a few days since Easter, but I left my camera at my mom's house (oops) until today.  I wanted to share some of the lovely Easter moments that we had.  Luckily, the sun made an appearance (after snowing the previous two days) and all the girls were able to make it outside for the egg hunt.  This seemed to be a particularly special Easter as both of my brothers were able to be in town.  My oldest brother lives in Atlanta and he doesn't usually make it to the Easter dinners, but happened to be in the area for work.  My husband was also able to be part of the festivities.  That may sound odd, but he's had to work on Easter quite a few times (he's a tax accountant).  It's a shame, but that's all about to change soon...stayed tuned!  
(My husband with our youngest girl, Summer)

(My little Easter bunny at 9 months!)

Instead of buying candy and filling Easter baskets for the older girls, we decorated cupcakes and put them in these cute little baskets.  Even the green grass is edible!

I love coming up with creative ways to dress a table.  My mom usually does the table decorations because the meals are at her house, but I wanted to plan this one just because I love spring!  Any excuse to decorate...

I hope everyone had a great Easter this year!


  1. What a darling table--that grass runner is inspired. Your little girl bunny rabbit is the cutest of all though!

  2. Beautiful pictures. So darling! I miss my babies being babies. They are 18 and 14 now! Loved seeing you at Funky Junk yesterday!

    Mermaid Debbie


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