But the terrier is back and ever since I got back from a trip to Seattle with Jon, Mom, and Gabby this last weekend, I've been making lists, going through tons of inspirational pictures, and generally back to my old obsessive self. As a result, my house is dirtier and the dinners a bit pathetic due to me being completely absorbed in planning for Spring! The last time that I've been to the Seattle area was SIX years ago (insert gasp here)! Obviously I don't get out much, but I'm thinking we need a whole lot of what I saw in Seattle here in Spokane. I know that I'm not the only one who thinks this way, but for some reason, boutiques are few and far between here and it makes me very sad. For me, there is nothing better than to go out with a steaming latte and browse through adorable shops for hours. I think I need to get over to Seattle more often and for those of you who live over there, be thankful for the bountiful cafes, shops, restaurants, and diverse city that you live in! For those of you here in Spokane, let's be as supportive as we can to those great business that do exist here and give them our patronage.
Storefront in Fremont area
Mom in Watson Kennedy's Pike Place shop
Lucca located in the Ballard Ave area
Inside Lucca
Ballard Ave. shops
Cupcake Royale in Ballard area (love this place!)
The iconic Pike Place Market and the first time that I've been there (insert more gasps!)